5 Tips to Stepping Up Your Signature Cocktail Game at Your Wedding


In my life (not including wedding’s I have planned) I have been a guest at at least 25+ weddings and all of them had the typical signature cocktails of Cosmos for the bride and a beer for the groom. That’s great and all, but if you could uplift the quality of the cocktails being served at your wedding, wouldn’t you want to do that? Especially if it’s your featured “signature cocktail” with your name on it? Here are my 5 tips in stepping up your cocktail game at your wedding. Cheers!

Work with a Mixologist

Blendtender: Roasted Brown Sugar, Plum and Star Anise All Natural Cocktail Syrup paired with your spirit of choice.

Blendtender: Roasted Brown Sugar, Plum and Star Anise All Natural Cocktail Syrup paired with your spirit of choice.

We get it, your venue has bartenders, but do they really understand all the components that make a really amazing cocktail? Yes of course they can make a vodka soda or a martini, but many of them (not all) are not trained to create beautifully crafted cocktails that not only look amazing, but taste amazing as well.

How do you find a quality mixologist? Well first and foremost you can email hello@lisabracco.com and we will get you in contact with one of the best in the country from South House in Jersey City! Another option would be to check out some of the top rated cocktail bars in your area and talk to the bartenders there. Have them make you a few cocktails and see if they would be willing to create something for you for your special day. There is no harm in asking and you get to have a few drinks, which I am sure you need, as you are planning a wedding.


Use Quality Seasonal Ingredients

In all seasons use ingredients that are readily available at your local farmer’s market. They will be ultra fresh and the best tasting mixers you can find. Here are some examples of seasonal fruits and spices to incorporate into your cocktails:

South House: Modern Merchant: Peppermint Tea infused Krogstad Aquavit with Rosemary Honey Syrup, Lemon & Black Pepper

South House: Modern Merchant: Peppermint Tea infused Krogstad Aquavit with Rosemary Honey Syrup, Lemon & Black Pepper

  • Winter: pomegranate, apple, mandarin orange, cinnamon, and nutmeg.

  • Spring: apricots, oranges, rhubarb, strawberries and limes.

  • Summer: grapefruit, blueberries, peaches, lychees and watermelon.

  • Fall: pears, pineapple, apples, ginger and pumpkin.


Add a Unique or Relevant Garnish

South House: Last Thought: Rosemary infused Altos Blanco Tequila, Lillet Rose, Lime, Green Chartreuse, Ginger, Pink Peppercorn Syrup, Garnished with Rosemary.

South House: Last Thought: Rosemary infused Altos Blanco Tequila, Lillet Rose, Lime, Green Chartreuse, Ginger, Pink Peppercorn Syrup, Garnished with Rosemary.

Lemon and lime wedges will just not do, especially if this is your signature cocktail. Make it interesting by garnishing with something unique or relevant to the cocktail you are featuring. Choosing your garnish really depends on the ingredients in your cocktail. For example if your cocktail has cinnamon included in it, add a cinnamon stick as the garnish. If the stick isn’t enough, add in some seasonal flowers to step it up a bit. You could really use anything as long as it is not poisonous to humans. Just know your venue might not be able to accommodate your garnish wishes, so you may have to supply these items to them, but it’s totally worth it!


Choose the Perfect Glass

South House: Texas Tiki (Absolut Elyx, Lemon, Pineapple, Blue Curacao, Honey, Amaretto, Mint, Garnished with a Tiki Umbrella, Cherry, Raspberry, Blackberry and 2 Pansy Flowers.

South House: Texas Tiki (Absolut Elyx, Lemon, Pineapple, Blue Curacao, Honey, Amaretto, Mint, Garnished with a Tiki Umbrella, Cherry, Raspberry, Blackberry and 2 Pansy Flowers.

Okay, so this one may not be necessary, but it does help in the visual aspect of the cocktail especially if you do not want a unique garnish. Choosing a pretty colored glass or one to go with your cocktail theme works best! As shown in the image to the right, this tiki cocktail goes perfectly with the glass chosen as well as the garnishes.

If your wedding is on a tropical island somewhere, then this might be the cocktail glass for you. If not, there are plenty of unique and beautiful glasses out there to choose from through rental companies across the country, it’s just a matter of finding what works best for your day and cocktail choice.

Don’t want to rent glassware? No problem, you can also find some really amazing deals at thrift shops if you don’t mind mixing and matching your glasses. It does give an amazing effect at your wedding and guests enjoy having a “special” glass all to themselves as well.


Create Around The Weather

Blendtender: Honey Smoked Apple Syrup paired with spirit of choice

Blendtender: Honey Smoked Apple Syrup paired with spirit of choice

If you are having a wedding in the Winter offer your guests a hot cocktail made with tea or a spiked hot chocolate to warm them up or if your’re having a summer wedding, offer them something refreshing over shaved ice to keep them cool. There are so many options here and it really all depends on what’s happening with the weather that time of year. Personally I love the idea of having these types of cocktails at events to help guests get acclimated to the temperature outside and inside. Having a choice of a cocktail to warm up or cool down creates a long lasting effect for your event and the memories of it.

I hope you enjoyed our tips on elevating your signature cocktails for your wedding! If you are looking for someone to work with you on creating something special for your day, reach out to us at Hello@lisabracco.com and we will get you in contact with someone amazing!

Photography By: Cheyenne Cohen // Cocktails By: South House // Mixers: Blendtender